We are an essential business during this COVID-19 pandemic and we are here to help you. Give us a call today!

Angels at Home Care is proud of our staff who bring quality care into the homes of our client’s everyday particularly during this global COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) pandemic. Our clients are the most important part of Angels at Home Care and we want to make sure our clients are safe in addition to our staff.

That's why we have implemented the following safety and precaution protocols for our staff to follow:


  • Caregivers are required to wear a mask at all times when within 6 feet of the client and when entering the premises to ensure everyone's safety.

  • Caregivers are required to answer a COVID-19 Risk Assessment Questionnaire prior to every shift

  • Caregivers are required to stay home if they are sick. If a staff member is sick, we will remove them from the schedule and work diligently to find a healthy replacement caregiver.

  • Caregivers are required to notify us of any known risk factors, such as travel to areas with widespread outbreaks or local contact in areas known to have reported cases. If a staff member is deemed to be high-risk, we will remove them from the schedule, follow the guidelines from national and local health agencies to report the risk and find replacement staffing if needed.

  • Caregivers are required be extra vigilant as part of our established infection prevention measures, already in place for influenza and all other communicable diseases, which include:
  • Care staff must be able to answer “no” to the following questions:
  • Have you been within 6 feet of a person with a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 for at least 5 minutes, or had direct contact with their mucus or saliva, in the past 14 days?
  • In the last 48 hours, have you had any of symptoms (at the same time) such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat or change in taste or smell?
  • Have you traveled or had any exposure to family members who have traveled (international or domestic) 
  • Have you gone to the hospital or any other medical facility (not a Dr. office) for treatment or to visit someone?
  • Care staff will wash their hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Care staff will avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth     
  • Care staff will avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Care staff will cover their mouths and noses with tissue if coughing or sneezing
  • Care staff will clean and disinfect objects and surfaces

  • If a staff member becomes ill and is suspected to have the coronavirus, or is diagnosed with coronavirus, we will follow the protocols established by national and local agencies to report the illness and notify those who may have met that person.

  • Caregivers will be vigilant of symptoms in clients and respond accordingly by taking infection prevention measures and notifying the office of any concerns of serious illness in a client. If a client is ill with a fever or respiratory symptoms, it’s recommended the client be encouraged to see a physician for further evaluation and consider wearing a mask. 

  • Depending on the severity of the spread of illness in communities or the response taken by national and state authorities (ex. mandatory isolation, closure of schools, etc.), our staffing levels may be affected. As a result, we may be unable to cover all shifts. 

We will continue to make every effort possible to provide our clients with safe and appropriate care and seek to avoid canceling shifts, however, we cannot guarantee this will not occur given the uncertainties about this pandemic.

The safety and well-being of our clients and staff are our utmost priority, now and always. Changes to our protocol will be available on this page and we invite you to reach out to us with any specific questions or concerns.

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